[October 25th, 2023] - "La consolidación de esa iniciativa dará a Brasil una «oportunidad para hacer historia», dijo a EFE John Bohorquez, asociado principal del Programa de Conservación de Pesquerías internacionales de la organización no gubernamental (ONG) The Ocean Foundation."
[November 18th, 2022] - " An international team of scientists has published a letter in Science magazine highlighting the importance of preserving Egypt’s 1800km/1120 miles of coral reefs..."
[November 10th, 2022] - "An international group of marine scientists led by Karine Kleinhaus, of Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), has published a letter in Science that is a call to action for policy makers, government agencies and ocean conservation groups to take major steps to preserve Egypt’s 1800 km of coral reefs ..."
[January 5th, 2022] - "A new study by an international team of scientists led by Ellen Pikitch from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), provides the first comprehensive and publicly available database of area-based marine conservation in China’s waters..."
[12 November, 2021 - "A new study by an international team of scientists led by Ellen Pikitch from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), provides the first comprehensive and publicly available database of area-based marine conservation in China’s waters..."
[New York, 29 June 2021] - " At its second meeting, the Executive Board of the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) approved funds to support the development of a blue economy regional programme in four Mesoamerican Reef countries..."
[New York, March 10th 2021] – The first round of funding approved by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) covers proposals from six countries including a USD $4.7M proposal led by the UN Fiji Country Office, “Investing in Coral Reefs and the Blue Economy.”
Phys.org - February 24, 2021 - Researchers have developed a method to estimate the value of oyster and clam aquaculture to nitrogen reduction in a coastal community...